6 reasons to visit the Karelian Zoo
Animals from all over the world in the Karelian forest
You are invited to visit the only zoo in Karelia, where you can meet the huge diversity of fauna of Russia and other countries. Our animals and birds live in a picturesque place. The zoo is surrounded by Karelian forest and is located in a preserved natural landscape. The natural topography of the land, untouched trees and artificial reservoirs are home to a large number of ungulates, predators and birds included in the Red Book. Touch rare species of animals, gently pat ponies and feed deer. Yes, with a few exceptions, our animals can be patted and fed with a special treat, which you can purchase at the entrance – they will be very happy with such attention.




Our animals
Hundreds of animals and birds
There are many different species of animals living in our zoo. From small and quick raccoons to large bisons, from deer and camels, that are familiar to everyone, to rare and exotic takins. They all are our beloved charges, whom we care for as our children. The animals live in a spacious outdoor area surrounded by ecologically clean Karelia lakes and forests. We preserved the maximum natural conditions of the region to provide comfortable life for animals and created the necessary environment for those who needed it. For example, ponds for waterfowl. Many animals love the warmth of human hands and gladly allow to pat them. Some of them, living in the zoo, started families and delight us with new additions. The zoo is also expanding due to the regular acquisition of new species of animals and birds.
Video about the Zoo
A calm morning at the zoo is the best way to take a break from the bustling city. Take a look into the cozy and spacious home of the inhabitants of the Karelian Zoo. Plunge into the atmosphere of this amazing world
Zoo for Children

Touch the nose of an animal and feed it with carrots
We have prepared a surprise for the youngest guests! A petting children’s zoo was organized in the territory, where we collected tame, non-dangerous animals. You can touch, pet, feed all the animals and take a photo with them as a souvenir. The children’s zoo is home to small sheep, fawns, Cameroonian goats, rabbits, Scottish ponies and other animals. Communication with animals will give children an unforgettable impressions, instill responsibility for the world around them and make the world richer for one more kind person. A visit to the children’s zoo is included in the general admission price.
Zoo map

Your journey starts
3-12 years
Children up to
3 years
Group excursions
from 10 people
3-12 years
Up to 3 years
1 – 9 people
rubles / price for group
Large families, Disabled people of groups II and III – 50% discount
Disabled people of group I (with one attendant), disabled children, Veterans of the Great Patriotic War – free of charge.
The benefit is provided upon presentation of an identification document.
Visit the zoo with a guide by appointment +79216229793. Entering the zoo territory with animals is prohibited.

Crowned Crane
Class: Birds Order: Gruiformes Family: Gruidae Weight: 3-4 kg Height: 100-120 cm, wingspan — 180-200 cm Coloration: Crowned cranes have a grey-black body with white and brown markings on their wings. On their head is a distinctive “crown” of golden feathers, which gives the bird its recognizable appearance. The face is adorned with red and […]
Muscovy Duck
Class: Birds Order: Anseriformes Family: Anatidae Weight: 2–3.5 kg (males), 1.5–2.5 kg (females) Height: 60–75 cm, wingspan 85–95 cm Coloration: The muscovy duck, also known as the Cairina moschata, displays a variety of plumage colors depending on the breed. In the wild, its feathers are predominantly black-green with a metallic sheen. The wings often have white […]
Eider Duck
Class: Birds Order: Anseriformes Family: Anatidae Weight: 1.2–2 kg (males), 1–1.8 kg (females) Height: 50–60 cm, wingspan 85–100 cm Coloration: The eider duck, also known as the sea duck, has a robust build and striking plumage adapted for life in harsh conditions. Males are brightly colored during the breeding season: their head and neck are […]
Barnacle Goose
Class: Birds Order: Anseriformes Family: Anatidae Weight: 1.2–2 kg Height: 55–70 cm, wingspan 120–140 cm Plumage: The barnacle goose is one of the most elegant and recognizable birds of the northern regions. Its plumage is predominantly black and white: the head and neck are black with a characteristic white patch on the cheeks, which is […]
Himalayan Monal
Class: Birds Order: Galliformes Family: Phasianidae Weight: 1.5–2.5 kg (males), 1–1.5 kg (females) Height: 50–70 cm, wingspan 70–85 cm Plumage: The Himalayan monal is one of the most colorful and exotic birds of the mountainous regions of Asia. Males have a striking plumage with vivid shades of blue, green, purple, and gold. Their chest is […]
White Eared Pheasant
Class: Birds Order: Galliformes Family: Phasianidae Weight: 1.5–2 kg (males), 1–1.2 kg (females) Height: 45–55 cm, wingspan: 60–80 cm Coloration: The white eared pheasant stands out with its striking appearance. Males have predominantly white plumage with a subtle pearlescent sheen that reflects bluish or greenish hues in sunlight. A distinctive feature is the “eared” feather tufts on their heads, giving the […]
Diamond Pheasant
Class: Birds Order: Galliformes Family: Phasianidae Weight: 1.5–2 kg (males), 1–1.2 kg (females) Height: 45–55 cm, wingspan: 65–80 cm Coloration: The diamond pheasant is one of the most striking and decorative members of the pheasant genus. Male plumage is predominantly black with bright metallic green, blue, and purple hues that create a diamond-like sheen. A distinctive feature is the white markings […]
Common Pheasant
Class: Birds Order: Galliformes Family: Phasianidae Weight: 1.5–2 kg (males), 1–1.2 kg (females) Height: 50–70 cm, wingspan: 70–90 cm Coloration: Male common pheasants have bright, multicolored plumage with golden, green, blue, and red hues on their chest, back, and tail. Females have more modest coloring—brownish-gray, which helps them blend into their surroundings during egg incubation. A distinctive feature of males is […]
Class: Mammals Order: Carnivora Family: Viverridae Weight: 9–20 kg Body length: 60–96 cm, tail length – 50–84 cm Coloration: Binturongs have thick, shaggy black fur with hints of brown or grey. Their long, prehensile tail is covered in fur and helps them grip branches. Their small, rounded ears have distinctive white tufts, and their face […]
Class: Mammals Order: Carnivores Family: Felidae Weight: 7–15 kg Body length: 55–100 cm, tail length – 30–45 cm Coloration: The ocelot’s coat is adorned with dark spots and stripes on a yellow or reddish-brown background. The fur on the belly is lighter, almost white. The ears are black with a white spot in the center. […]
Rainbow taucan
Class: Birds Order: Piciformes Family: Ramphastidae Weight: 275–500 g Body length: 42–55 cm, beak length – 12–15 cm Coloration: The rainbow toucan has vibrant colors. Its beak features shades of green, red, blue, and orange. The body’s main plumage is black, with a bright yellow throat and chest. The tips of the wings and tail […]
Rhesus macaques
Class: Mammals Order: Primates Family: Cercopithecidae Weight: 4–8 kg Body length: 45–65 cm, tail length – 20–30 cm Coloration: The fur of the rhesus macaque varies from grayish-brown to reddish-golden. Their face and buttocks are often pink or reddish and hairless. Age of sexual maturity: 3–4 years Gestation period: about 165 days Lifespan: up to […]
далее…We are on the map
Республика Карелия, г. Сортавала, пос. Киркколахти
8 800 100 88 41
10:00 — 18:00 (без выходных кассы с 10:00 до 17:00)